Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Bundaberg and Fraser Island

Well, just finished midterms and tomorrow morning I'm off to Sydney with twelve girls from my program! Woohoo! But first, I wanted to tell you all a bit about my escapades last weekend. (Pictures to come.)

Our entire group of forty-five traveled together for the fun-stuffed weekend. We left Thursday morning and drove to the Bundaberg Rum Distillery, which is the number one spirit manufacturer in Australia. We toured the facility, learning all the way from molasses purification to bottling. My favorite was the molasses barn filled with ten solid feet of molasses, which you could view from walkways above. To end our time there we were given two complimentary drinks. I chose to start with the "Dark and Stormy," which is ginger beer (ale to us Yanks) and Bundaberg rum conveniently paired in one bottle for my enjoyment. My second drink of choice was the liqueur. Oh, so yummy.

From there we were off to the Mos Repos Turtle Hatchery. Once the sun went down we were given an introduction into the endangered species of turtles that lay their eggs on the beaches there. After the riveting slide show, we were led to the moonlit beach to embark on a search for a female turtle emerging from the water to lay her eggs in the dunes. The wind was whipping my hair all around and rain drops began to fall. It was so exciting. We received a call from one of the rangers down the beach. Upon arriving we could talk but not be seen by the turtle or else she would cease laying and return to the sea. This was a difficult task with such a large group! By dim flashlight we watched in awe as the mother laid her eggs and meticulously buried them in the sand. Once her duty was done we followed her back to the sea and watched as she disappeared. It was amazing to witness! And it gets better. Her eggs weren't buried far enough up on the dunes, so the ranger dug up the nest and we were each allowed to transplant two eggs to the new nest farther up. I am blown away at how hands on Australians are with such delicate situations. In the states tourists like us would never have even been permitted on such a beach. Yet another once in a lifetime experience! Great pictures to come!!

The next morning we headed down to Fraser Island, the largest sand island in the world. Our mode of trasportation for the weekend was, no joke, a four-wheeling, off-roading charter bus driven by a typically wild Aussie. What an adventure! Although we were restricted from entering the treacherous surf and shark-infested ocean, we did get some time for some water-wading. We drove through the rain forest to Lake McKenzie, with water so pure they prohibit it's swimmer's from wearing sunscreen in it! I took a private airplane ride over the island admiring the dense flora, rolling sand dunes and pristine lakes. One of my favorite parts of the weekend was our tour through the rain forest, where we wandered through trees and palms adorned with hanging vines (which Kira and I did pole vault swings from!) and drank from the "silent stream" flowing with water that's been purified for up to 300 years. Mmm, so good. Being a water lover, I was in heaven. Back at our resort, there was a small bar which we dominated on kareoke night. For once on the trip I enjoyed being an obnoxious American. Kira and I debuted "I Love Rock and Roll" by Joan Jett and were a big hit! And of course we all belted out "Born In the USA." It was a great time! It's beautiful what a little alcohol does for a group. On our last day we hiked over sand dunes (I felt as though I were in "The Three Amigos," it was so hot.) to Lake Wabby, where we caught some rays before heading home to Brizzy.

So, that's that. And now I'm off to another adventure. I know, it's tough keeping up. But, that's what my blog is for. Stay tuned for details from Sydney.

1 comment:

Kari said...

OK I LOVE the Three Amigos reference! Your weekend sounds like a dream! I cannot believe the things you are getting to do and see. And I love that you are enjoying it so much. Keep having fun and taking lots of pictures my world traveler sister!