Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Whitsunday Islands

This weekend I'll be traveling to the Whitsunday Islands, which are located two-thirds of the way down on the Great Barrier Reef. Five of us girls are going and will be staying in an apartment on the mainland. We are planning a snorkling tour for one of the days, which should offer some pretty spectacular photo opps. Better invest in an underwater camera. Can't wait to tell you all about it. Cheers!


Kari said...

I love it Alissa!! It is so exciting for me to hear about where you are and what you're doing! I'll be checking your blog constantly and living vicariously. (if you'd like to live vicariously through me just imagine a 5 1/2 month old spitting up on you and giggling when you surprise him :)

I Am Not A BIV said...

Who says "cheers" at the end of a blog post? Were you drinking a beer or something?

Man, those Australians are turning you all "British," having you say "cheers" and stuff.

You know what's a lot cooler to say? "Ciao." But then you'd be in Italy.

You didn't take that photo, did you?

Steve said...

Hey Alissa! Pay no attention to "Alex's" comment...you know what they say (whoever "they" is) When in Rome, do as the Romans do! So when in Australia....well you get the idea...make the most of your trip and like Kari, I will be living vicariously through you while you are down under! Cheers!

Alissa said...

Thanks for the back-up, Steve!